This website is the property of the Foundation Canon De Noordoostpolder
The board of the Foundation has realized a canon about the history of Noordoostpolder by which knowledge of the local history can increase, both by the local population and by visitors of the area.
Editor: Harrie Scholtmeijer (frame introductions), Wim Logtmeijer (coordination of window authors), Hans Roefs ( photo editor), Huib van der Wal ( editor), Berthoo Lammers ( ICT), as well as canon initiator. Aaldert Pol and Gerrit van Hezel provided advise about the contents.
The thirty windows have been written by Nieuw Land Erfgoedcentrum, Evert de Boer, Harrie Scholtmeijer, Peter de Boer, Wil Paauw, Leo Voorberg, Huib van der Wal, Frans van de Lindeloof, Hester Kuper, Piet Bremer, Dirk Klaver, Jan Mulder, Margreet Ramaker, Twan van Meijel, Aline Nysingh, Henk Wassink, Andries van Daalen, Berthoo Lammers, Janny Bode, Wubbo de Raad, Wim Logtmeijer, Lenie Bolle and Aucke van der Werff and municipality Noordoostpolder.
Pictures and illustrations originate from various persons and organisations.
Of each film, photo or illustration we have documented as well as possible its source in the photo/illustration account. Anyone who, despite this arrangement, is of the opinion that certain rights apply, should contact the Foundation Canon De Noordoostpolder. The board will in that case provide the proper name statement on the website.
The Foundation Canon De Noordoostpolder is a non-profit organisation.
For that reason and in view of the above-mentioned efforts, the board is not able or obliged to pay copyright compensation.
Information about the book Canon De Noordoostpolder:
1st print: 2012
2nd (corrected) print: 2013
Design: Hollestelle grafische diensten, Kampen
Print: Drukwinkel, Emmeloord
Board if the Foundation Canon De Noordoostpolder